Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Acts 2 …”When the Day of Pentecost had come” The faithful were still waiting when Acts 2 opens… . "Homebounnd" included those bound by drugs Acts 2 …”When the Day of Pentecost had come” The faithful were still waiting when Acts 2 opens…
   When Rol and I went to DC in 1967 I wasn’t waiting because I didn’t know there was anything to wait for or to hope for. But my heart yearned for a closer relationship to the Lord. He had graciously answered our prayers when Gail was dying, and mine when I needed healing.  But none of that was mentioned in the church we attended. I yearned for a closer relationship with Jesus.
  I began teaching "Homebound" children for the county of Fairfax, Virginia. That included those bound by drugs as well as seriously ill students. The former rejected both society and I went through the motions of teaching them. But it seemed like no one was listening.
   Then someone gave me the book, “They Speak with Other Tongues.” by John Sherrill. Within its pages I found references to a “second experience” with God…an infilling of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8). I asked the Lord for that infilling; and that prayer opened a door to a wonderfully intensified relationship with my students.
    Acts 2 describes that infilling. Like the Jews who had gathered in Jerusalem that day, I no longer felt separated from my students. I could grasp what they were saying, and they seemed to understand me. And like the Jews who gathered on the day of Pentacost, I was amazed.
  The barriers fell down of their own accord. I didn’t become wiser or more learned; I didn’t change methodologies; but we were communicating and still do.

  It is nearly thirty years later and the power still enables the impossible. Last night Tom and Brian asked Rol and I out for dinner. What do we have in common with these men? Only the Lord can answer that question. Twelve years ago, on impulse I hired Brian to build a fence. But the Lord had something more in mind. Suddenly Brian was not building barriers, he was tearing them down. He was no longer on the defensive. The unlikely relationship grew into a real friendship...a friendship with each other and with God.  We all learned a lot about the Lord and have been blessed.
   Now these two are leaving, taking a trip across the USA, lead by the Spirit and, like the crowd on the day of Pentecost, their calling. May those who meet them along their way also meet the Lord who leads them. .

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